Order your
evaluation motor

Amplify your solution with the industry’s most reliable, efficient, lightweight motor system.

Each evaluation kit comes complete with an integrated motor and drive. 
You’ll also get invaluable consulting time with our engineers, ensuring you and your team are well-versed with our technology.
We understand no two applications are alike. We’re eager to understand your specific needs and how our motor can supercharge your operations.

Welcome to the future of motors!

Step 1

Ready to get started?
It's time to hit that 'submit' button on our online application.

We review each request with our engineering team to determine the best fit and process for your needs. Expect about 1-2 weeks for a response to your application.

Step 2

Lets get to know each other!
Spec evaluation and recommendations.

Once approved by the engineering team, we’ll send along our standard set of contracts as well as begin the process of establishing timelines and access to technology.

Step 3

Get your motor running!
Enjoy our easy-to-use and easy-to-install motor system.

Our team is available to help with commissioning, testing, and prototyping needs to ensure you have everything you need for your specific application and use case.