Identifying Opportunities for
Electrification in Industry

Electric motors are the world’s single largest consumer of electricity – we’re talking 53 percent of global consumption. But here’s the kicker: Only 20 percent of industrial energy consumption is covered by electricity. The rest is directly or indirectly powered by fossil fuels.

But that’s changing.

By 2040, 30 percent of the growth in electricity demand is expected to come from industrial motors. It’s a critical time for the industry sector. No single sector has more agency to reduce its energy footprint with commitment to efficient electrification of motors and other industrial equipment. 

In 2021, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) launched the “Beyond Efficiency” initiative to emphasize that efficiency is table stakes for industry now. It’s not a feature anymore. As we work to design the next generation of motors, our mission is to build something that’s better for the planet and for all of us.

At Infinitum, we set out to design a motor that’s smaller, lighter, and quieter than a conventional motor, so we can be part of a radically sustainable future. If we all do our part, by 2040, there will be many companies across the industry in lock step with our mission. 

Three Opportunity Areas for Electrification