Infinitum Electric’s Air-Core Motors use lightweight materials and modular design to generate the same power in half the size and weight, at a fraction of the carbon footprint of conventional motors.
IE Coverage
The Sustainable Industrial Revolution Is Just Getting Started
Heavy industries like shipping, steel and plastics have long opted out of climate action. That is starting to change.
Six Companies Using IoT to Make the World More Sustainable
Infinitum Electric highlighted on Earth Day as a Digi International Green Tech Customer Innovation Award winner.
Beyond Efficiency: Five Attributes to Consider for Energy Savings and Reliability
As we think about the next generation of manufacturing, the 2021 NEMA “Beyond Efficiency” initiative challenges Members to develop innovative products for increased energy savings and reliability.
State of the Motors Industry With Bhavnesh Patel of Infinitum Electric
Motors are delivering more value to pump OEMs with integrated VFDs and through more connectivity.